About Tenergy

TENERGY is dedicated to facilitating the widespread availability of affordable clean energy solutions in Malawi. Our mission is fueled by a commitment to overcome the logistical and financial barriers that impede access to clean energy, leading to energy poverty and stalling economic progress in many parts of the country. Tailoring our offerings to the diverse energy needs of Malawi, we provide a comprehensive range of clean products through a Pay-As-You-Go model. Our goal is to elevate and enrich the quality of life for our customers. We firmly believe that by delivering access to clean and affordable energy, we are not only enhancing living standards but also reducing reliance on unsustainable energy sources and combating the broader impacts of climate change

Our Vision

To be a leader in the off-grid energy sector, revolutionizing the way communities access and utilize clean energy.

Our Mission

To empower communities through bridging the logistical and financial barriers hindering access to clean energy. We are developing and implementing innovative systems and sustainable approaches to ensuring sustainable technology transfer for a brighter and greener future.

Our Goal

To set a benchmark for quality energy technologies and shape a future where clean energy is not only accessible but also integral to the well-being and progress of every community we serve.

Empowering Lives with Tenergy

TENERGY is dedicated to facilitating the widespread availability of affordable clean energy solutions in Malawi. Our mission is fueled by a commitment to overcome the logistical and financial barriers that impede access to clean energy, leading to energy poverty and stalling economic progress in many parts of the country. Tailoring our offerings to the diverse energy needs of Malawi, we provide a comprehensive range of clean products through a Pay-As-You-Go model. Our goal is to elevate and enrich the quality of life for our customers. We firmly believe that by delivering access to clean and affordable energy, we are not only enhancing living standards but also reducing reliance on unsustainable energy sources and combating the broader impacts of climate change


Customers on Paygo


Solar Products Sold


People Reached

Tenergy Latest Projects

Solar Home Power That Expands With You

The Sun King 200x, a warranted solar home system that allows customers to expand their system by adding extra bulbs, solar panels, battery capacity, and appliances like a TV instead. This is to discourage electronic waste as the customer doesn’t need to buy an extra solar home system in response to their growing needs.  

Home 800
Solar Boom


Solar Boom


Home 40plus


Home 200x


Pay as You Go Financing

Get solar installed today with a small down payment. Make small weekly payments. Finish your payments, and enjoy free solar energy afterward!

Tenergy Latest News

Our Partners

Tenergy values the collaborative relationships that drive our success. Together, we are advancing the adoption of solar solutions in Malawi and beyond, creating lasting impact and contributing to a more sustainable future. Join us in our mission to bring clean and affordable energy to communities worldwide.

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